CFM believes that farming is for all of us. Therefore, Christian Faith Ministries has a farm which comprises of orchard, piggery, goats, dog, poultry, fish, small ruminants, vegetables and crops.

CFM sees the need to plant trees and keep animals to maintain ecological balance. CFM believes God has a reason for creating man alongside with these other creatures. Our love for God can also be expressed by taking care of His creation as is it said in Proverbs 12:10 "The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel."

CFM also believes in community living. Through farming, CFM has been able to bring people from different ethnic, background, religion to serve together thus destroying wall and building bridges to give way for peace.


The vulnerable in the society such as widows are not left out of CFM's farming initiative. CFM desires that widows that incapable of taking care of their children will be empowered 


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